CROSS OVER is an alternative exhibition group that connects Japanese authors with exhibitions in overseas countries such as Asian nations. 


We started this activity with the aim of expanding our perspectives beyond our own environment in Japan, as we observed that the environment and values are constantly evolving in the economically developing Asian countries. 

We believe that there are always people in other countries and regions who are interested in us, and by providing them with the experience through exhibitions, we hope to support our future activities and provide them with a new option.


Although Japanese culture is known overseas, we named our group CROSS OVER with the intention of creating new value by allowing local visitors to experience a variety of Japanese artists' works in a more realistic way and by intersecting the viewpoints of both Japan and the local region. 


Since our establishment in 2017, over 900 works have been displayed in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, France, and the UK. Some of our exhibitors have also participated in other overseas exhibitions, international exhibitions, and art fairs, and their works have been featured in the media and sold.

Some have also found work within Japan as a result of their participation. Our activities continue to expand with each event.


We do not aim to simply be satisfied with participating in overseas exhibitions or blindly praise foreign countries. Instead, we hope that our exhibitors will use this opportunity to gain a more holistic view of their lifestyles, beyond just focusing on their creative activities. 


Through our exhibitions and future actions, we hope to give back to those around us in any way we can.

Thank you for your support. 


CROSS OVERは日本の作家とアジア諸国などの海外の展示を繋ぐオルタナティブな展示集団です。




海外でも日本の文化は知られていますが、よりリアルな日本の様々なアーティストの作品を現地の来客に体感してもらい、日本と現地の両方の視点が交差することで、新たな価値観を生み出す意味を込めてCROSS OVERと名付けました。














屋代 弘之



香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道 25 號港威大廈 1 期 20 樓 2012 室



メール :



販売価格は、表示された金額(表示価格 / 消費税込)と致します。


◾商品代金以外の必要料金 銀行振込の振込み手数料お客様ご負担でお願いいたします。 商品代金以外にゆうパックによる国内往復送料はご負担ください。


◾代金(対価)の支払方法と時期 支払方法:銀行振込 支払時期:サイト内要綱でご確認ください。


◾役務または商品の引渡時期 展示参加表明日より取引開始とみなし、展示が終了し作品を返却完了時までとします。





展示が中止になった場合は振替開催の手配は即刻行い、完全に中止の場合は 1ヶ月以内に作品と 参加費の返金を行います。